Overcoming Shame after Divorce

Overcoming Shame after Divorce

đź’™ Greetings, Beloved One!

Have you ever felt lost or stuck in shame after a life-altering event like a divorce? It can be challenging to overcome the shame and see past the pain and rejection. Still, our Secure in God's Embrace podcast guest from November 8th, a prolific inspirational fiction writer and speaker, J.C. Lafler---shares her powerful testimony of how God's grace and presence helped her overcome depression and shame after two failed marriages.

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We also dive into the story of the Woman at the Well, or the Samaritan woman in John 4, who was a social outcast after experiencing five divorces. Yet, Jesus comes to her and reveals himself as the Messiah, the Living Water, quenching her thirst for significance and security.

Listen in and hear how God saw Judy in her pain and shame and sent His Spirit to visit her and fill her with His presence, the way He saw, sought, and saved the Samaritan woman.

Listen Here: https://youtu.be/Q6Rg9DPSHgo

J.C. Lafler is a prolific inspirational fiction writer and speaker. To learn more about her ministry or her books:

Website- https://jclafler.com/

Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/judyc.lafler/

Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/judy.lafler

Connect with Cheryl Lutz:  

✔Amazon Link to Order Cheryl's Book: Securely Held: Finding Significance and Security in the Shelter of God's Embrace: https://a.co/d/cYTiivO

✔Website - https://www.cheryllutz.com/



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